Corporate supporter club

Your support will ensure that we can make life better for those working (past or present) in our industry. 

You can do this by: 

  • Making an annual corporate donation of £500 or more through 
    • A one off donation 
    • A commitment to hosting fundraising events in your workplace 
    • Making the fund your charity of the year 
    • Making the Benevolent Fund a beneficiary of an event you host e.g award dinners, golf day etc 

In return for your support, as well as helping to improve the welfare of those working past or present in all sectors of the caravan industry, we will provide additional benefits to support you and your teams. 


  • Tax relief on donations, find out more here
  • Regular updates on our work 
  • Priority access to events and services 
  • Evidence of your companies commitment to corporate social responsibility 
  • Certificate to demonstrate your support 
  • Your logo and a link to your website will be loaded to our partnerships page on this website

Register your interest

The National Caravan Council Benevolent Fund is registered in England and Wales under charity number 271625 at Catherine House, Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 1SS. We use cookies to improve your experience using this website.
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